Race Day: 15TH DEC, 2024
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Bijal Kothari—a baker who loves to run. I am a member of the Kolkata Running Squad and a part of the marathon committee of the prestigious Bengal Rowing Club. Since childhood I have indulged in numerous sports and games, namely basketball, throwball, athletics, and swimming.  

I started running in 2015 and have finished a number of half marathons, plus a full marathon in 2020. I even completed a mini triathlon in 2022 organized by Calcutta Swimming Club, after learning how to cycle during the COVID-19 pandemic.  

Recently, in 2022, I got into an unfortunate accident resulting in a major spinal injury which did not allow me to partake in any sport and athletic activity. It took time and patience to bounce back from that setback. 

Fast forward to now, I'm back doing what I love—running free and strong. I'm all set to pace for a 10K distance in TSK 2023, marking my return to the marathon scene. From the TSK 10K in 2015 to 25K from 2016-2019, to achieving my lifelong dream of running a full marathon I've come a long way, falling down but getting back up every time.